Thursday, October 10, 2013

Faith For Skeptics, Back in Print

Back at Last!

Out of print for years and almost impossible to find, Faith For Skeptics is now available in paperback and in digital format. But what's it all about?

Faith For Skeptics is written for believers and unbelievers alike; for all who would like to find or increase their faith. It presents a compelling case for traditional, classical, Christianity that is all the more powerful for being nuanced and reflective. In doing so, John Heidt explores central dilemmas of the human condition, notably the problem of evil and death, and shows that orthodox, apostolic Christianity holds the key to our fulfillment and redemptive transformation as persons before God. If you believe in God this book will deepen and increase your faith, if you do not, Faith For Skeptics will introduce you to it.

Rowan Williams thought it an excellent book, proving to the world that he wasn't all bad.

Check it out.